This tool allows the user to search through the Focal Ecosystem Components (FECs) defined in the CBMP Freshwater Monitoring Plan. The user can filter search results based on FEC, attributes and paramentes and download the search result an excel sheet.
Biotic and Abiotic FECs | Type | Monitored Parameter | Indicators/Indices |
Benthic algae and phytoplankton | Biotic | Number of individuals or biomass of each taxon | Community indices (e.g., abundance and density, taxonomic richness, diversity and dominance, biomass and numbers of keystone taxa, tolerance indices) |
Benthic algae and phytoplankton | Biotic | Number of individuals or biomass of each taxon | Numbers of red-listed (threatened) and rare taxa |
Benthic algae and phytoplankton | Biotic | Number of individuals or biomass of each taxon | Distribution and range (e.g., latitudinal and altitudinal) |
Benthic algae and phytoplankton | Biotic | Biomass (including chlorophyll a and biovolume) | Bulk algal biomass |
Benthic algae and phytoplankton | Biotic | Biomass (including chlorophyll a and biovolume) | Size structure of entire population or of keystone taxon |
Fish, benthic macro- invertebrates and zooplankton | Biotic | Number of individuals or biomass of each taxon | Community indices (e.g., abundance and density, taxonomic richness, diversity and dominance, biomass and numbers of keystone taxa, ecological traits, tolerance indices) |
Fish, benthic macro- invertebrates and zooplankton | Biotic | Number of individuals or biomass of each taxon | Numbers of red-listed (threatened) and rare taxa |
Fish, benthic macro- invertebrates and zooplankton | Biotic | Number of individuals or biomass of each taxon | Distribution and range (e.g., latitudinal and altitudinal, residency/anadromy for fish) |
Fish, benthic macro- invertebrates and zooplankton | Biotic | Genotypes and alleles (fish) | Genetic diversity |
Fish, benthic macro- invertebrates and zooplankton | Biotic | Biomass (including biovolume, length, and body weight; gonad weight in fish) | Size structure of entire population or of keystone taxon |
Fish, benthic macro- invertebrates and zooplankton | Biotic | Biomass (including biovolume, length, and body weight; gonad weight in fish) | Fecundity (for fish; e.g., gonadal-somatic index) |
Fish, benthic macro- invertebrates and zooplankton | Biotic | Age of individuals | Age structure of entire population or of a keystone taxon; growth rates (size at age or age at length (fish), or life cycle stage at length (benthic macroinvertebrates)) and age at maturity (age combined with biomass) |
Fish, benthic macro- invertebrates and zooplankton | Biotic | Timing of important life history events | Migratory phenology |
Fish, benthic macro- invertebrates and zooplankton | Biotic | Timing of important life history events | Emergence timing |
Fish, benthic macro- invertebrates and zooplankton | Biotic | Timing of important life history events | Reproductive timing (for fish; e.g., reproductive development rate, reproductive periodicity) |
Fish, benthic macro- invertebrates and zooplankton | Biotic | Body burden of contaminants in fish | Concentrations of contaminants in fish tissues above consumption guidelines or above environmental thresholds for sub-lethal or lethal effects |
Macrophytes and riparian vegetation | Biotic | Areal cover or number of individuals of each taxon (as feasible) | Community indices (e.g., abundance and density, taxonomic richness, diversity, and dominance, numbers of keystone taxa) |
Macrophytes and riparian vegetation | Biotic | Areal cover or number of individuals of each taxon (as feasible) | Numbers of red-listed (threatened) and rare taxa |
Macrophytes and riparian vegetation | Biotic | Areal cover or number of individuals of each taxon (as feasible) | Distribution and range (e.g., latitudinal and altitudinal) |
Aquatic birds | Biotic | Number of individuals of each taxon | Community indices (e.g., abundance and density, taxonomic richness, diversity, and dominance, numbers of keystone taxa) |
Aquatic birds | Biotic | Number of individuals of each taxon | Numbers of red-listed (threatened) and rare taxa |
Aquatic birds | Biotic | Number of individuals of each taxon | Distribution and range (e.g., latitudinal and altitudinal) |
Aquatic birds | Biotic | Age (immature/adult) and sex of individuals | Age structure of entire population or of a keystone taxon; number of young/breeding pairs |
Aquatic birds | Biotic | Timing of important life history events | Migratory phenology |
Water temperature regime | Abiotic | Water temperature (surface/profile temperatures in lakes) | Degree days |
Water temperature regime | Abiotic | Water temperature (surface/profile temperatures in lakes) | Threshold temperatures |
Water temperature regime | Abiotic | Water temperature (surface/profile temperatures in lakes) | Stratification pattern (lake) |
Water temperature regime | Abiotic | Water temperature (surface/profile temperatures in lakes) | Proxy dates for ice on/ice off (river) |
Hydrological and ice regimes | Abiotic | Surface water level | Change in timing of hydrological events (e.g., nival/ice regime) |
Hydrological and ice regimes | Abiotic | Discharge (river or inflow/outflow of lake) | Flood frequency/ duration |
Hydrological and ice regimes | Abiotic | Ice on/off, thickness | Growing season (length and timing) |
Hydrological and ice regimes | Abiotic | Light transmission (lake) | Percent bottomfast ice and transparent ice |
Hydrological and ice regimes | Abiotic | Light transmission (lake) | Water balance (lake) |
Hydrological and ice regimes | Abiotic | Light transmission (lake) | Residence time (lake) |
Hydrological and ice regimes | Abiotic | Light transmission (lake) | Change in period of half flow (river) |
Water quality | Abiotic | Water chemistry (e.g., nutrients, trace metals, DOC, colour, pH, alkalinity, heavy metals, salinity, persistent organic pollutants, turbidity, total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS), river bed load) | Chemical variables (e.g., nutrients, trace metals) |
Water quality | Abiotic | Secchi depth (lake) | Water clarity, photic zone depth (lake) |
Water quality | Abiotic | Dissolved oxygen | Import/export (of organic material, sediment, heat energy, etc. in river; calculated with hydrologic regime) |
Climatic regime | Abiotic | Air temperature | Degree days |
Climatic regime | Abiotic | Precipitation (amount and type) and relative humidity | Threshold temperatures |
Climatic regime | Abiotic | Wind speed/direction | Surface water level (lake) or discharge (river) (modeled from precipitation) |
Climatic regime | Abiotic | Solar radiation (UV, PAR) | UV/PAR attenuation (lake) |
Climatic regime | Abiotic | Energy inputs (river) | |
Permafrost | Abiotic | Active layer depth | Change in active layer depth |
Permafrost | Abiotic | Temperature | Temperature change |
Permafrost | Abiotic | Slump area | Percent slumping |